3 tips for starting to create memorable experiences today

1. Speak in your customers’ language:

Mine your feedback data to identify common customer pain points, and explain how you can solve them. Include testimonials that show how you’ve done it and Frequently Asked Questions that provide real value to curious prospects. Re-use your customers’ actual words wherever you can—salespeak doesn’t make for very human interactions.

2. Train your team to listen:

Although not everyone wants to speak with a human being, some might appreciate having the option. Train your sales staff to listen first, so they can resonate with a prospect’s emotional state. Then, and only then, can they work to turn the prospect into a customer.

3. Don’t make people wait:

Communicate fulfillment and/or shipping information immediately, offer quick delivery and easy returns, and give easy access to customer support.

→ Good customer experience minimizes friction, maimizes speed and efficiency and maintains a human element, embedded within the automation, AI or technologies. It leaves consumers feeling heard, seen and appreciated. It has a tangible impact that can be measured in dollars and cents.